Plastic Free Hartlepool Autumn Beach Clean
Yesterday was uncommonly warm, so after work I decided to enjoy the evening and drove down the zinc works road to the beach. The tide was exceptionally low, allowing me…
What I learned about our local rail network on a day out watching the England Women’s International at the Riverside Stadium, Middlesbrough. Like many, I was inspired by the Lionesses…
Photography widens your horizon by narrowing your field of view. Photography is comforting company when you are lonely, and glorious solitude when you want to be alone. It soothes you…
In currently have two cameras with partly exposed films in them. I have one roll of 120 waiting to be developed. I haven’t written a post for days and days,…
I have been enjoying using a Nikon 1 V1 lately, a 7 year old digital camera, for the purpose of a retrospective review for an online magazine. I have noted…
I watched Spring come to the north. It burst open upon it like blossom on flowers. In his poem ‘The Waste Land T. S. Eliot said, ‘April is the cruellest…
The saying used to go, ‘You are never more than 6 feet from a rat’. It may well apply to CCTV these days.
That feeling you get when you load a fresh roll film into your camera (in this case Pan F Plus 50 into a Yashica Mat 124G). That feeling you get…
I received the scans today from my first attempt at using extended red sensitivity film and my Yashica Mat 124G. Only six images were exposed correctly. Of those, three are…