That feeling you get when you load a fresh roll film into your camera (in this case Pan F Plus 50 into a Yashica Mat 124G).
That feeling you get when you are packing your bag and checking that you have everything (I forgot cable release last time).
That feeling when you park up at the coastal location, get your gear out of the car and put your boots on.
That feeling when you are walking along the beach with your bag and tripod, and you spot a good location.
That feeling when you place the camera on the tripod, attach the cable release and frame the image.
That feeling when you hear the first spot of rain hit your coat.
That feeling when the rain gets heavier.
That feeling when you pack up and wait in the wet.
That feeling when the sea mist becomes so thick your image disappears into nothingness and then the light begins to fade.
That feeling when you know that’s it for the day, and you didn’t make a single image.
Yes, that feeling.
Aahhh yes, that feeling. We never tire of it.