Check out the first part of this series River of Dreams

In the first part of this series of notes on a photographic project of a long distance walk along the Weardale Way, I wrote about how my photography developed over the three years the walk took to complete. Now, as I review all of the images in Lightroom, and process the final roll of film, I am beginning to see themes emerge, and repetitions in vision and style.

Near Frosterley, May 2016

I now have two choices. Do I print out all the photographs I made onto 6×4 paper and begin the process identifying themes, eliminating photographs and making a set of images that gel together? Or, do I make my first edit within Lightroom and print out onto paper after that? The first approach is obviously going to be more time consuming, but perhaps more thorough. It may be that an image jumps out at me when it’s physically in front of me, rather than on a screen.

University of Sunderland, June 1019

While I have been considering my approach, some themes from the walk leapt out. One of those was remembrance. The selection of photographs in this post were all made while walking the Weardale Way.

Wearhead, May 2016
Wearhead, May 2016
Escomb Saxon Church, May 2016
Near Furness Mill, May 2017

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