Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling
Down, down, down, down — Don’t You Forget About Me: Simple Minds
I travelled the 20 odd miles back to my home town of Bishop Auckland today to visit my parents. They are both well into their 80’s now, but it only seems to have been the last 3 years where time seems to have started to catch up with them. It must be catching up with me too, as more and more people have started telling me I am looking more like may dad. If the white hair I left on the barber shop floor this morning is anything to go by, they have a point.
Not long ago, I started wearing my hair with a side parting like I did when I was a kid, expecting it might make me look younger; no, even more ‘Gordonesque’. It’s gone.
The only thing greyer than my head has been the sky. It must have been raining non-stop for 24 hours now. The standing water on the drive home certainly attested to that.
Driving home. The funny thing is I get that driving home feeling in both directions of travel; going to my home town and returning to my adopted town of Hartlepool to be with my wife and children. Home is where the heart is.
Embrace the grey, it’s a display of character and maturity. Rather to be a silver fox than a magnolia egg.