Gimme Shelter: Number 4
I love the patina on the brick and the repair right in the middle, but most of all I like the hotchpotch of field boundaries; wood, wire and hedge.
I love the patina on the brick and the repair right in the middle, but most of all I like the hotchpotch of field boundaries; wood, wire and hedge.
I pass this one every day on the drive to work. Depending on what time I pass, I do see school kids waiting for a bus here occasionally. I don’t…
I have now seen three of these crosses at different locations while exploring for my Edge of Town project. They all seem to be made the same way but of…
And if I pass this way again, you can rest assured I’ll always do my best for her, on that I give my word In a world of steel-eyed death,…
Oh, a storm is threat’ning My very life today If I don’t get some shelter Oh yeah, I’m gonna fade away – Gimme Shelter, The Rolling Stones Back, by popular…
Many years ago, a partner of mine and mistress of mirth mused that every road in the United Kingdom had its own ‘highway glove’, such was the prevalence of the…
This woodland is a five minute walk from where I work on the university campus at Durham City. I took these today during a lunchtime stroll with workmates. I sit…
In currently have two cameras with partly exposed films in them. I have one roll of 120 waiting to be developed. I haven’t written a post for days and days,…
I have been enjoying using a Nikon 1 V1 lately, a 7 year old digital camera, for the purpose of a retrospective review for an online magazine. I have noted…
I watched Spring come to the north. It burst open upon it like blossom on flowers. In his poem ‘The Waste Land T. S. Eliot said, ‘April is the cruellest…