Oh, a storm is threat’ning
My very life today
If I don’t get some shelter
Oh yeah, I’m gonna fade away – Gimme Shelter, The Rolling Stones

Gimme Shelter #1
Bus shelter at Nine Acres, near Hart village.

Back, by popular demand (well, as requested by my next door neighbour Alan), I have revived my ‘Gimme Shelter’ project which petered out a couple of years ago, mainly due to some film processing woes. This time its digital; my fabulous little Sony RX100 III replacing a slew of unreliable film compacts (but I have been bitten by the autofocus film compact bug once more,  but they won’t be called upon here).

So here’s the first image from my rebooted project about rural bus shelters, standing firm at Nine Acres, not far from Hart village. I dig the white interior.

One thought on “Gimme Shelter: Number 1”
  1. Brick built bus shelters, they are not built like this anymore. They bring back memories of red double decker buses, knitted balaclava hats and Empire. Oops dare I use that word anymore.

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