It hasn’t been artificially aged. It wasn’t bought last week. It didn’t come with a shitty logo and a premium price attached. The oldest visual record I have of me wearing this cap was a photo taken at Machu Picchu in 2003, so it’s at least 17 years old. It’s more likely 20 plus years.

I can’t remember where I bought it, but I believe it was at a supermarket, and it didn’t cost very much at all.

It’s safe to say it has seen better days. It is a much me as it is cap, for the cotton is melded with the sweat and sebaceous infusions from my scalp, and the patina is the result of years of wind, rain and sunshine. It has been with me to many places and rather miraculously has never been mislaid. It’s like an old friend and today I thought I should take a photograph of it, because it might be time to retire it.

2 thought on “My old cap”
  1. Ah yes, the comfort blanket that contains a bounty of memories, the magic carpet that transports us back to some of the best times in our lives. Hang it up on its retirement peg, don’t bin it.

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