Wake up it’s a beautiful morning
The sun shining for your eyes. — Wake Up Boo!: The Boo Radleys


It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light from the Sun to reach my bedroom window across an expanse of 93 million miles. Not bad for a ball of gas some 4.6 billion years old. In 8 minutes and 20 seconds over 2000 people are born and around 900 people die.

Today is the first day of British Summer Time, that con trick of the clock where we collectively push time forward an hour to have more daylight after work. For amateur photographers it is a time of promise and opportunity. I have decided to make something more of it this year in the form of this blog, which will run from today until Sunday 28th October when the clocks go back again.

But enough for now. I need some breakfast.

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