Praktica LLC

World first cutting edge metering in a mediocre body.

Praktica LLC with Pentacon Electric 50mm f/1.8 lens

The Praktica LLC debuted in December 1969 alongside the Praktica L, and they were the first models in the long lasting L series. This is the Praktica series that for many has come to define the brand; the rectangular and somewhat hollow feeling body that lacked a quality feel but to which could be attached some world class lenses.

Why is the Praktica LLC a Landmark Camera?

1: World’s first SLR with full aperture TTL metering using electric diaphragm control lenses.
2: First Praktica (alongside the L) to use a vertical travelling metal shutter.

The User Experience

The Look

I will say this as politely as possible. The Praktica L series cameras are no lookers. These ugly ducklings aren’t going to turn into swans any time soon. Boxier and using more plastic and die-cast alloys than the Nova series they replaced, they were a couple of rungs down the ladder of aesthetic appeal. The early LLC, of which mine is an example, have Pentacon and the Ernemann tower logo stamped into the front of the prism housing. Later models would omit this, and would also receive a larger shutter release button; two further aesthetic downgrades to a camera already lacking finesse in the looks department.

Praktica LLC

The Feel

The LLC does feel as good in the hand as its forebears. The leatherette is hard and rough. You could sand and smooth wood with it. The film advance lever is a as plain as possible and in operation feels flimsy and unreliable. It can be jiggled up and down a bit which is disconcerting.

The shutter also sounds louder and ‘clackier’ than the shutter of older Prakticas. This is likely at least part due to another new feature introduced with the L series; a square steel shutter with a vertical action. This new shutter was apparently an improvement on the former rubberised curtain shutter of old, although I am not convinced. The shutters on my Praktica Mat, Praktica IV, Praktica FX2, and even my Praktiflex, still work well, but the Copal contraption on this model sticks intermittently. Of course, it could just be a matter of care and maintenance.

Attaching a half decent lens on the LLC improves the feel. A bit of weight in the hand makes a difference. The lens attached to this camera is a later multi coated Pentacon Electric 50mm f/1.8 which feels better made than the first generation of this electric lens, itself an adaptation of the earlier Meyer-Optik Oreston.

Praktica LLC rear.

In Use

Oh dear! I haven’t had much positive to say about the LLC have I? Well, in use the camera reaches a degree of redemption. First of all, the innovative full aperture metering works well and must have been a novel convenience for upgrading Praktica users, as long as they had an electric lens. If not, they would have to settle for good old stop down metering. Good for Pentacon though to provide that option and allow the use of the full and magnificent range of M42 lenses from many manufacturers.

Metering options

Stop down metering is selected using a convenient dial type switch located around the film rewind lever. You should move the dial to the white circle outline icon. You will obviously need a lens capable of stopping down the aperture manually and not a lens with automatic aperture only.

Praktica LLC with electric lens.
Praktica LLC with Pentacon electric lens. Note gold electric contacts on the lens mount and silver contact plates on the body mount. These enable aperture communication between lens and camera.

To use the ground breaking full aperture metering turn the dial to the solid white circle icon and ensure you have an electric lens attached. These are easily recognisable by the three gold contact pins on the rear of the lens around the outside of the mount. These transfer the aperture value to the camera body by matching up with three corresponding silver strips on the camera lens mount.

Praktica LLC battery compartment.
Praktica LLC battery compartment.

Then simply look through the viewfinder and with a classic match needle system on the right hand side of the screen, choose an aperture and shutter speed value combination that lands the pointer in the circle. The viewfinder is a touch on the dim side, but is still a very usable finder with a Fresnel screen and typically large Praktica microprism in the centre surrounded by ground glass. Also in the viewfinder, on the left hand side, Pentacon carried over the cocked shutter indicator from previous models. If you can see the indicator, you need to advance the film, thus cocking the shutter too. The shutter release itself is lockable, and placed in the classic Praktica position on the front of the camera body at a very convenient diagonal.

Praktica LLC finder.
Praktica LLC viewfinder showing match needle metering and large microprism.

A battery solution

Today, that 4.5 volt PX21 battery is impossible to find. There is a satisfactory workaround though.

Of course, the fancy new electric aperture control needed a battery to power the magic. Today, that 4.5 volt PX21 battery is impossible to find. There is a satisfactory workaround though. An adapter is available that allows the use of three stacked LR44 cells. I have one and it does the job admirably well. If only the battery chamber were better designed! The battery chamber door is a flimsy piece of ill-fitting black plastic located on the underside of the body that completely detaches. My two previous LLCs had doors that no longer stayed attached for long. The current one is a great deal better.

Praktica LLC with battery chamber adapter.
Praktica LLC with battery chamber adapter.

Film test

It is as if the LLC has read my criticisms and decided to shut down and have a sulk. The film advance has now joined the sticky shutter and decided not just to not work occasionally, but not work at all. So much for third time lucky! I think this is end of the story for me and LLCs. I shan’t be buying a fourth copy, but I will persevere with this one for a while, and if I succeed in bringing it back to life, I may risk a roll of film in it.


Praktica Collector
Matt’s Classic Cameras
Instruction manual at Mike Butkus’ site

8 thought on “Praktica LLC”
  1. I purchased one new in April 1971 from camera house in Birmingham city centre at a cost of £80 brand new the guy threw in the case for free which cost £5 extra. It worked ok , I had it for about 5 years and then upgraded to a Pentax me camera with electronic led shutter readout

  2. I had two Praktica LLCs the original silver body with the 50mm Zeiss Pancolar f1.8, 35 mm Schneider Curtagon and 135 mm Jena Pentacon (all good lenses).
    These were unfortunately lost in the late 1970s when my car was stolen in London. I replaced it with the black LTL had a 55 mm Sigma Macro as a standard lens, and a 200 mm Vivitar ( I never used a fast enough shutter speed), not sure about a 28 mm probably a Pentacon), I never had any issues with the shutter or the film advance lever. For impoverished students it was a lot better than the only other affordable option , the Zenith. My LTL outfit was stolen when we had a break-in when living in London.
    After that I bought the first Canon Eos (650) and I am still using the lenses for that today on my Canon Eos R!

    1. Hi Chris. Nice to hear about your camera history; some bad luck along the way there though. No doubt a Praktica trumps a Zenit. You are tempting me to try my luck with another LLC. I have a 50mm Zeiss Pancolar f1.8 too ready to go.

  3. You don’t need a 4.5 volts battery for Praktica LLC or PLC cameras.
    I use a standard 1.5 AA battery often or CR 123 3Volt battery plus some 1cent coins.

  4. The shutter in the L series Prakticas was a Pentacon developed metal bladed shutter, quite different to the Copal shutter.

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