Gimme Shelter: Number 8
Nature seems to be getting the better of this one!
Nature seems to be getting the better of this one!
Just across the road from Number 6!
Additional shelter provided by a tree, particularly in Spring and Summer. It looks like it may one have had window glass.
Are you getting the theme of this shelter? This is near Castle Eden.
A new series about ‘classic’ point and shoot auto focus film cameras The photographs of my ‘Edge of Town’ project, which I started some weeks before this blog, are taken…
Last week I hauled myself up Worset Lane on my bicycle towards High Volts. It was my first time out since my radial head fracture, so it was a bit…
I love the patina on the brick and the repair right in the middle, but most of all I like the hotchpotch of field boundaries; wood, wire and hedge.
I pass this one every day on the drive to work. Depending on what time I pass, I do see school kids waiting for a bus here occasionally. I don’t…
I have now seen three of these crosses at different locations while exploring for my Edge of Town project. They all seem to be made the same way but of…
And if I pass this way again, you can rest assured I’ll always do my best for her, on that I give my word In a world of steel-eyed death,…