Daily Post

Surprise Supplies

One 4LR44 battery, a Fujica ST901 SLR, and a happy photographer. For my Edge of Town project (whose gallery I really must update), I have chosen to use Pentax screw…


I have some films to develop. It would be wise if I developed these first before taking any more; or would it? It never stopped Garry Winogrand. He left behind…

The Keys

Last week I hauled myself up Worset Lane on my bicycle towards High Volts. It was my first time out since my radial head fracture, so it was a bit…

The Cross

I have now seen three of these crosses at different locations while exploring for my Edge of Town project. They all seem to be made the same way but of…

On the Horizon

In currently have two cameras with partly exposed films in them. I have one roll of 120 waiting to be developed. I haven’t written a post for days and days,…